Our CO2 fractional laser helps you look your best quickly and with minimal downtime!

What is Fractional Resurfacing Laser Used For?

Fractional (Fractionated) resurfacing technology is used primarily for:

  • Skin Rejuvenation and Removal of Photodamage: reduces fine lines and wrinkles, improves skin pigmentation and texture
  • Acne Scaring Repair
  • Brown Spot, Sun Spot, Age Spots, or Liver Spot Removal

What is fractional resurfacing?

Fractional resurfacing is the cutting edge skin resurfacing technology in which the laser makes multiple precise tiny holes called Micro Thermal Zones (MTZ) in your skin. Because the MTZ are so close to one another, the body’s natural healing process repairs not just the holes but the entire treatment area. And because healthy untreated skin surrounds each of the MTZ, recovery is markedly faster than with traditional laser resurfacing allowing you to resume your normal activities with limited downtime.

Why is the advantage of using fractional CO2 Compared to other Fractional lasers such as Fraxel?

For 20 years, CO2 lasers have been the gold-standard for the treatment of photodamage and for skin rejuvenation because they not only remove the outer skin layers but also heat the underlying tissues. This heating that occurs with the CO2 laser stimulates new collagen production and collagen remodeling which improves the tone and texture of your skin over time. Fractionated CO2 technology allows the removal only a fraction the outer skin layer in the treatment area allowing dramatically reduced recovery times while maintaining the benefits of CO2 resurfacing.

What Can I Expect With the Procedure?

Perception of discomfort varies greatly from one person to another. A local anesthetic is used to numb the area and most tolerate the procedure with minimal if any discomfort.

What Can I expect after treatment?

After treatment your skin will usually be red for up to 4 days. At this point you may wear make-up and return to work. Over the next day or so, your skin will appear slightly bronze as the surface exfoliates.

How many treatments will I need?

Unlike Fraxel technology, skin rejuvenation with fractional CO2 usually requires just 1 treatment. Patients with acne scarring usually require a second treatment in order to achieve optimal results.

Multi-million dollar state of the art skin resurfacing lasers in our waterfront dermatology and surgical center, Mt. Sinai Medical Complex, Miami Beach:

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